Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Al Marhum....The Stories Begin...

As i said before this, I will put some old interview with band called Samartary (Langkawi), Al Marhum (Perak), Raven (Perlis)and Kremation (Serawak). Actually all of this interview done around 2000 for my Newsletter but is not done. So I decide to put all the interview in my blog, For reminder this interview just for reading cause the information is out of date. So enjoy the first interviewed with band called themself ALMARHUM. The person thatresponsibility to answered all my question is AS ALMARHUM. Enjoy The Ipoh Darkside..................

AS ALMARHUM: Hail Almarhum spread more evil Band!!!!Dark greeting for krieyartor!!I'm As Of Almarhum step into the darkness....For your information, this band already exist on 1992, but before that the we are the EXORAST!!!!The acceptance from the fans here make Almarhum proud of it coz we received a lot of fucking feedback!!! They said this demo musch more evil and madness.......DEMONIC!!!!!!

Yeah!!!I agreed with that. So by releasing this demo what does you guys try to presenting through lyric and song itself?
AS ALMARHUM:AS a band played Black metal for sure we try to composed the song that related with death..Satan, war, sex and etc...

Ipoh, There are a lot band over there...The first genertion Metal band such as Langsuyr, Necrotic Chaos, Vociferation Eternity, Hayagriva etc that give a big impact and one of the history that Metal sence exist a long time ago, is it you have contact with them and can you list down the your inspired in composing or direction to Al Marhum?
AS ALMARHUM: Yeah!!!a long time ago, we already have a relationship with this "OTAI", and we all support them and they also have inspired us to be like this. But the local band that really tranformed us are MASSROHENDT (vulga-Legendary), Rator, Blackfire and Ungodlydeath forom Serawak!!!HAIL TO THEM!!!!!And it same together with the big band such as Hellhammers, Bathory,Satan, Mayhem,Morbid (old), Sabbat (England), Sarcofago, Mercyless and Etc...They all fucking old satanic black and trash metal!!!!

Your endless dedication your all fans out there....
The existance of Almarhum at this moment to destroyed all the trendy black metal sound in this country and all of you guys over thre!!!support out demomaniac tape!!!!Buy or Die!!!!To krieyartor, thanx alot coz interviewed and noticed our existance......

Last not least...That all from almarhum, even this interviewed simple, but hopefullt the deadbangers out there that did not know there did not know a band called Almarhum, this is the information to you. Even this band already REST IN PEACE today, they actually try to give the best sound of Black Metal!!!!!ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Time Is My Enemies

I don't know how to expressed. A lot of my time just at my office including weekend. Eventhose it is money, but one of the motivation to achieve the organization goals is reponsibility from the company to his worker. And one of the responsibility is give a fucking OFF DAY. But sadness, there are no effective approach regarding time management to his workers. My weekend now just at my office.

So, what the problem if I worked every day.

I lost my weight, hahahahahahaha..no lah..just kiding, I lost my project with my BC Rich at home. I wanna to start record my own song at home. So, if 3/4 from my life just at office, how can I started to record my stuff. This is happened now day to me.

Gig...hahahahahaha..in Malay we called it "jauh Panggang Dari Api". No life working here, There are no Gig, Jamming, just coming home around 1 am than dreaming. Next day wake up at 6.35 am with the same routine.

Just Change Work lo...
Yeah.. actually i already apply for another job, but with the economic condition today, it quite difficult to get any interview. It much more easy if wok at Bendang....hahahahahahaha.. Sometimes I just Carried my Beauty BC Rich WARLOCK at my secondary house aka Office to trained and played together with my officemate.

I just wondeing how long i might working here....................